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Tuesday 19 February 2013

Monitor Your Competitors With Ethical Tricks

Search engine optimization or SEO can be done by the website owners themselves. However, there are many others who would like to outsource this work to SEO companies. In both the case, the focus remains on the prime object and that is the website. The real challenge lies in the performance of the websites against all the other websites fighting for the top slot on similar keywords.

So, it is very important to judge whether or not a website has been performing well on the basis of White-hat SEO techniques. At this juncture, it is better to clear out doubts regarding this issue. Google, the undisputed leader of the Internet doesn’t approve black-hat SEO techniques and so, it heavily penalizes all those websites who they find are using any such similar tactics.

As a result, it becomes quite imperative to get oneself well-acquainted with all the basic intricacies of the SEO world. For instance, SEO professionals will have to find out about all the activities of their online competitors. This is because Internet users have so many alternatives to choose from that they’ll be spoilt for choices. In this regard, it is very important to mention that websites matching the tastes and preference of the consumers will be better performing ones in this virtual world.

So, it is crucial to monitor SEO-related activities of the rival websites. One has to widen his approach in order to track all such activities and implement SEO tricks based on White-hat rules or that are ethical. For that reason, companies offering products or services similar to them should be under their vigil. This is because these companies may outpace them on all or some of the targeted keywords, as far as SEO is concerned.

In addition to that, one needs to choose a good and competent SEO service provider since his websites may get heavily penalized by the search engines, if the company uses any black-hat techniques. Apart from monitoring the performance of rival websites, one has to look forward to the kind of business conducted online by the leading websites on the same keywords as of his. Even for such websites, one has to investigate whether or not these portals are using White-hat SEO techniques.

Search engines do not bother about creating a database of websites in terms of white-hat SEO or black-hat SEO. In other words, websites which violate the rules of ethical SEO are not segregated from the ones that confirm to the utmost standard of white-hat SEO. Moreover, spam filters fall short of resolving this issue. This is because a lot of good websites are dropped off the search results because of these filters.

As a result, it is the consumers who are the last resort for the search engines to improve themselves and weed out the bad eggs (in this case, white-hat SEO violating websites) from their search engine results page or SERPs. Hence, white-hat SEO should be considered as a long-term strategic commitment that should be applied right from the stage of designing the website.


  1. شركة مكافحة البق بالمدينة المنورة
    شركة مكافحة البق بالمدينة المنورة من أوائل الشركات العاملة في مجال مكافحة الحشرات في المملكة العربية السعودية وليس فقط المدينة المنورة، حيث أن شركة امجاد الخليج يوجد بها جميع الخدمات التي تعمل في التخلص من حشرة بق الفراش المزعجة.
    فإن سكان المدينة المنورة يدركون بشكل دائم أن تلك الحشرة تسبب لهم الإزعاج وعدم النوم لأنها تتواجد في الفراش، وعن طريق اعتماد الشركة على أفضل الأساليب والأجهزة التي تساعدهم في هذا الأمر والقضاء على البق بشكل احترافي.
